Friday, May 6, 2016

Week of May 9-13, 2016

Hello families,
What a week! I feel so appreciated and spoiled with all of the gifts and kindness from the kids and you. Thank you for everything.
We have been busy in Room 4  reading, telling time, writing stories, and getting ready for Mothers' Day.

Here is what we have coming up:

Kinder Play Day--June 14
We have begun planning the activities for play day, which will be lots of  fun for all kindergarteners! We will need lots of parent helpers that day to help with the various activities and to help set up and clean up, so if you would like to volunteer your time that day (8:00-12), please let me know. We would love to have you!
8-9: parent volunteers will help set up
9-11Kids will enjoy the activities
11-12 family picnic (bring your own)

Some examples of the activities will be sack races, musical chairs, a soccer area, a baseball area, sponge toss game, a large parachute game, face painting, art area, beading area, etc etc. We will ask parents to volunteer to help with these activities for 30 minutes shifts. Look for a sign up for this in the kinder yard in the next few weeks. If you have ideas for other games/activities, please let me know.

Here are some of the items we need for the day--if you still need parent hours, remember you get 1 hour for every $5 you spend on our class!
face paint
large beads and other jewelry making supplies
otter pops

Also, if you have an "EZ UP" tent for shade, we would love to have a few of those.

If you have questions or other ideas about this day, please let me know!

Language Arts
We have been learning about story elements and where authors get ideas for the stories they write. This week the kids will have the chance to take what they have learned and write a story that they will publish and share with the class. These will be on display ot Open House on May 25.

This week we will continue to work on telling time to the hour and half hour. These are technically first grade standards, so the kids are getting a jump on first grade learning! They are doing a fantastic job.

Thanks for reading! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.

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