Monday, April 25, 2016

Week of April 25-29

Hello families!
We have had a busy week in Room 4. The kids have been working on writing experience stories, and they are fantastic! Some of them are displayed in the classroom if you'd like to check them out.

Here is what we have coming up:

Important Dates

Friday, April 29: Free Dress day: "Rainbow Day"; room 4 will work in the garden 10:15-10:45. Please let me know if you'd like to join us.

Wednesday, May 25: Phoebe Hearst open house in the evening.

Tuesday, June 14: Kinder play day, 9-12. Please plan on joining us either all morning or for lunch at 11!

Language Arts
Now that we have turned over all of our letter cards, we have begun to work on blending and reading multisyllabic words and words with long vowels. The kids are doing great with this. From now until the end of the year we will continue this. I can tell most kids are practicing reading on their own every day. This is such an important piece of becoming an independent reader. Keep it up, everyone!
For comprehension and writing, we are still studying narratives. We will begin writing narratives using our experiences + imagination using story elements such as characters. setting, events, and a conclusion.

We will finish the chapter on analyzing, comparing and composing shapes on Monday 4/25 and we will take our chapter test on Tuesday.
Then we will start working on some looking ahead to first grade lessons.

Lost and Found
I have SEVERAL sweaters, jackets, etc that have been left in Room 4 this year with no names in them. I am going to hang these items on the hooks outside the classroom so parents can look through them at pick up time. They will be out there on Monday.

For those amazing parents who have been helping during our morning centers time this year, our last week for centers will be May 16-20. The kids and I appreciate your help so much!

Thanks for reading, everyone! Have a super week. Please don't hesitate to email or stop by room 4 if you have questions or concerns.

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