Friday, May 20, 2016

Week of May 23-27, 2016

Hello everyone,
We have had a great couple of weeks in room 4. We have been working on reading words with long vowels, writing stories, learning to tell time and count money, and having tons of fun at recess and in the school garden.
Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who helped us each week during our centers time this year. Centers is a favortie time for the kids, it enables me to teach small groups, and kids get to practice the new skills they are learning. It wouldn't be possible without all of our fabulous volunteers. We appreciate your help and commitment so much!

Here is what we have coming up:

Wednesday, May 25: Open House. Please meet on the main school playground at 5:45, then come by room 4, where your child will give you a tour and show off all of his/her work from the year.

Friday, June3: Room 4 to work in the school garden, 10:15-10:45 am. We'd love to have parents join us out there!

Tuesday, June 14: Kinder play day, 9-12. All parents are invited to attend! We will need lots of parent volunteers to run our stations. Look for a sign up in the kinder yard at the end of this week.

Language Arts
This week we are going to publish our fictional stories, continue to practice blending words with multiple syllables and long vowel sounds, and begin to read some readers' theater plays.

This week we will use our new knowledge about pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters to work on buying and selling items in a classroom "store". This will help the kids learn to count mixed coin amounts, which is challenging. If they want, they should practice this at home as well!

Thanks for reading, everyone!
Please don't hesitate to ask if you have questions!

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