Friday, November 1, 2013

Week of November 4-8, 2013

Happy Friday Room 4 Families!
Whew! October was a fantastic month. Your kids are learning and growing so much.

You should have received your November newsletters yesterday. The November Home Run Reader log is part of that packet, and is due at the end of November.
Today new book order forms are going home. Remember it's super easy to order. Just go online to , shop, and enter our class code the first time you order: FNJKK. Shipping is free, and orders are shipped to school. Please submit orders by November 12.

Here is what we have coming up in November:
Monday, November 4: Art lesson, 10-10:45 am. We would love to have 2-3 parent or grandparent volunteers for this. Please let me know if you'd like to help out. Thank you to Ramona Harvan who has volunteered to help with our November art lessons.

Monday, November 11: Veterans' Day Holiday. No school

Friday, 11/15: Art lesson, 10:15-11:00am.We would love to have 2-3 parent or grandparent volunteers for this. Please let me know if you'd like to help out. 

Friday, 11/22: Art lesson, 10:15-11:00am.We would love to have 2-3 parent or grandparent volunteers for this. Please let me know if you'd like to help out. 

Friday, November 15-Friday, November 22: shortened days for parent/teacher conferences. Please note kindergarteners are dismissed on these days at 12:20 from the cafeteria. I walk them to lunch at 11:50, and you can pick them up there.
If you haven't signed up for a conference day and time, please do so. The schedule/sign-up sheet is posted in the back of Room 4.

Friday, November 22: Picture Day

Monday, November 25-Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Holiday; no school.

Monday, Dec. 2-Friday, Dec. 6: Scholastic Book Fair at school. Schedule to follow.

Language Arts
This week we will begin a new unit titled "Finding Friends", during which we will read all about making friends, how to be a good friend, and what happens when friends don't get along. If your child has any books at home that go with this theme, they are welcome to bring them to school. Please label with your child's name.
In this unit we will start to focus on letter sounds and orally putting parts of words together (blending). The kids love this, and it is a big stepping stone to later reading success!
New sight words: down, go, up
Writing: This week we will write responses to the stories we read and begin working on a piece telling which season we prefer-summer or fall.

This week we begin a new chapter on graphing. Children will learn how to gather data and interpret graphs.

Thanks for reading, everyone!
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Email me any time at

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