Friday, March 6, 2015

Week of March 9-13, 2015

Hello everyone!
We had so much fun celebrating Dr. Seuss this week. Be sure to ask your child which Dr. Seuss book is his or her favorite.

Here is what's coming up:

Important Dates:

Tuesday, 3/17: free dress as long as you wear GREEN

Wednessday, 3/18: art lesson, 10-10:45 am. It's always nice to have a couple of adult helpers for these, so if you'd like to help, please let me know.

Wednesday, 3/18: Talent/Air Rock show. Sutter Middle School, 5:30 pm. Hazel H. will be playing the violin in the show, and Cadell is part of an air rock act. Good luck to our room 4 friends!

Friday, 3/20: The Event, 6:30-9:30 pm at the Elks Tower Ballroom on 11th and J. This is a really fun night to socialize with Phoebe Hearst parents and raise money for the school. Thank you to our room moms who are organizing a Room 4 Lego basket for the silent auction.
The other kindergarten teachers and I will have a "Pirate Pizza Party" in the silent auction. There will be one top bidder for each teacher, and the winning bidder will get to invite 3 friends to a pirate pizza party in Room 2. It's always a good time, and it raises money for technology at PH!

Tuesday, 3/24: Royal Reader Sacramento Kings game, 7pm

Friday, 3/27: Free dress

Monday, 3/30-Friday, 4/3: SPRING BREAK; NO SCHOOL

Language Arts
This week we continue to work on making both oral and written words by putting sounds together. We are beginning to work on more complex words, and the kids are responding really well to this.
In writing we will continue to work on sharing our opinions for the remainder of March. We worked this week on differentiating facts from opinions.
Letter/sound focus: short u, /g/, /j/

This week we will complete a chapter on decomposing numbers to 20. We will use ten-frames to examine how to take numbers apart. For example, 18 can be broken down into 10+8.

Thanks for reading, everyone!
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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