Hello families!!
We've had a super first week of 2017. The kids came in Monday ready to work and learn.
Thank you to everyone for the generous and thoughtful Christmas gifts. I appreciate your kindness so much.
Here is what we have coming up:
Important Dates
Monday, 1/16: MLK Jr. Day; no school
Friday, 2/3: Phoebe Hearst Family Dance; 6pm at school
Monday, 2/13: Washington's Birthday; no school
Tuesday, 2/14: Valentine's Day celebration/100th day of school. It's always interesting when these fall on the same day! Please watch for more information soon about our two 100th day homework projects.
Monday, 2/20: Lincoln's Birthday; no school
Language Arts
The kids' reading is really taking off! This is very typical this time of year, as they are getting comfortable with sounds and blending them on their own. If your child hasn't begun reading on his/her own, or they don't love sitting down with books, please keep at it at home! The practice they get with family is so important. Remember, they should spend some time reading to you and then listening to you read each day. These two types of practice help their reading development and their comprehension.
This week the kids wrote paragraphs about their New Year's resolutions, and they are amazing! They will be hanging in the room next week. Be sure to check them out.
Next week they will write an informational paragraph on how to build a snowman.
This week we continue work on subtraction. The kids will take the chapter test on Monday 1/23.
Thanks for reading! Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.
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