Hello families!
It's been another fun week in Room 4. The kids are enjoying learning about Dr. Seuss and reading his books. We will continue our Seuss work this week.
Here is what we have coming up:
Important Dates
Wednesday 3/2: Phoebe's Got Talent; Sutter Middle School, 5:30 pm. We have lots of talented kids here at PH. Come cheer them on at the talent show on Wednesday!
Friday, 3/4: Room 4 will work in the school garden, 10:15-10:45. If you'd like to join us let me know!
Wednesday, 3/9: Ms. Jane has asked for some parent help during our art class from 9:30 until 10:15. Please let me know if you'd like to help with this.
Friday 3/11-Friday, 3/18: Early dismissal for parent/teacher conferences. Kids will be dismissed to the cafeteria at 11:50. Look for more info about conferences in an email soon!
Thursday 3/17 Spirit day: wear GREEN!
Friday 3/18: Room 4 will work in the school garden, 10:15-10:45. If you'd like to join us let me know! This will also be a free dress/spirit day: wear sports clothes. This can be a team uniform, a jersey, a t-shirt with a baseball on it, whatever.
3/21-3/25: NO SCHOOL; Spring Break
Parent/Teacher conferences
For this round of conferences, I meet with parents as needed and by request. If I feel we have some items to discuss I will send you an email so we can set up a day and time. If you would like to meet with me, I am happy to meet with everyone. Please send me an email to let me know and we will set up a time.
Royal Reader program information
From our Royal Reader parent coordinator:
-The final logs are due no later than Friday, March 4
-Order forms for the Kings game tickets will be sent home soon after the 4th and will be due back no later than March 11
-The Royal Reader Kings game will be on April 5
-Prizes and tickets will be given out in the days prior to the game.
Please come by Room 4 if you would like to see how many minutes your child has logged so far. I have a spreadsheet with totals as of January 31 and all of the logs the kids turned in.
Language Arts
This week we continue working on blending sounds and letters to make words. We spend about 45 minutes each day on phonics instruction. Please be sure to have your child practice reading daily at home. This practice really solidifies what they are learning in school.
This week we will celebrate reading and Dr. Seuss's birthday. The kids will make Cat hats, work on rhyming, and write opinions about many Dr. Seuss books. If you have Dr. Seuss books at home, your child is welcome to bring them in to share with the class. Please make sure the books are clearly labeled with your child's name.
This week we continue our measurement unit. We will work on comparing objects by height, weight, and capacity.
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