Friday, December 4, 2015

Week of December 7-11, 2015

Hello families!
Thank you to everyone for meeting with me this week and last week during parent/teacher conferences. I enjoyed talking about your children and learning more about your families!

We have a lot going on in Room 4 and at Phoebe Hearst during the next couple of weeks.

Important Dates/Field Trip
Wednesday, December 9: Picture make-up day and class group photo day. Everyone has free dress.

Thursday, December 10: PH craft fair, 6-8 pm. Our class made adorable hot cocoa mugs to sell at the fair. Be sure to stop by and pick one up!

Friday, December 18: School is out for winter break! We will have free dress.

Monday, January 4: First day back to school

Friday, January 15: Field trip to see the Sacramento Theater Company's production of James and the Giant Peach. The cost for this trip is $6 per child (PTO is also paying $6 per child). Please send this to room 4 no later than December 11, as we have to pay in advance. If you would like to chaperone this trip, adult tickets are $17 each, and these need to be purchased in advance as well, so please let me know asap if you'd like to attend, and then you can send in money for your ticket with your child's payment. We were told tickets are limited for this, so to be fair I will take chaperones on a first-come basis.

Language Arts
We have started reading informational texts this week, and the kids are loving reading books about topics that interest them. This week each child chose an animal to research. They will read books about their chosen animal and with the help of 5th grade buddies search for information online. They will present their research on an informational poster. Next week's homework will include searching online for a photo of their animal for their poster. Thank you for your help with this!

As always, we are continuing to work on letter sounds and blending them to read and write words. This time of year is a lot of fun because for many kids everything seems to "click", and they start reading and writing more and more independently.

We started our first chapter on addition this week, which you probably saw in Thursday's homework.

Thank you for reading, everyone! Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.

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