Friday, October 2, 2015

Week of October 5-9, 2015

Hello families!
What a busy week! We worked on finding our fire through kindness and community building, worked on letters and writing sentences with our sight words, learned about self-portraits with Ms Jane, practiced comparing numbers to 5, started the Royal Reader program, met with our 5th grade buddies, and worked in the Phoebe Garden for the first time. Whew!  We all need a couple of days to rest before we get right back to work.

Here is what we have coming up:
Pumpkin Patch field trip---Thursday, October 22. 
As I mentioned at back-to-school night, we will be heading to Dave's pumpkin patch in West Sacramento on 10/22. We will leave on school buses at 9:30am and return in time for dismissal. The cost is $5.50 per student. This includes activities at the pumpkin patch and a small pumpkin. You can send the money to school beginning today--just clearly label it with your child's name. All children will need to bring a bag lunch that day. We will eat at the pumpkin patch before returning to school. Parents who have been fingerprinted are welcome to join us on the trip. Please let me know as soon as possible if you'd like to chaperone.

Student of the Week
We will begin celebrating one student each week beginning on Monday October 12. The Thursday before your child's week, I will send home a poster to complete. S/he will return the poster on Monday, and present it to the class. The other students will write letters to your child, and these will be displayed in the classroom with the poster on our student of the week bulletin board. The student of the week is our line leader and helps with any other jobs that pop up throughout the week. It is a special time for the kids. I will present a poster about myself next week as an example before we begin with kids. 

Royal Reader 
Hopefully you saw the bright orange Royal Reader form that came home with the October newsletter on Wednesday. The will take the place of our reading logs. Please help your child log the number of minutes s/he reads or is read to outside of school. The back of the log explains the program and the prizes kids can earn for reading, reading, reading. The logs are due at the end of each month. If you misplace a log, you can logs minutes on any calendar and turn that in for credit.

Language Arts
Letter focus: Mm, Nn, Oo, and Pp
New sight words: and, we
I encourage families to have a sight word wall displayed somewhere at home. Ask your child to read and write the words periodically. Use flash cards and make up games where your child reads the words, makes up sentences that include the words, and writes the words. As soon as the majority of kids have mastered the kindergarten words we move to the first grade list.
Comprehension and writing: we continue this week to focus on telling stories from pictures. We have been working a lot on details in stories and illustrations.

We will take our Topic 2 test on comparing numbers 1-5 on Monday. On Tuesday we will begin Topic 3, numbers 6-10.

We have begun our first life science unit on plants. During this unit we will focus primarily on pumpkins because of our upcoming field trip. Topics covered will include what plants need to live, how plants grow, how people use plants,and comparing different types of plants with one another.

Thank you for reading!! Please don't hesitate to email or stop by room 4 if you have any questions or concerns. Have a fantastic weekend.

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