Thursday, February 19, 2015

Week of February 23-27, 2015

Hello room 4 families,
We had a fantastic time celebrating the 100th day, traveling to see "The Artful Mouse", and exchanging Valentines. Thanks to everyone who came in to help or sent in supplies. We appreciate all of your help!

Here is what we have coming up:

Friday, 2/20-Friday, 2/27: shortened days for parent/teacher conferences. The kids will be dismissed to the cafeteria at 11:50 am. If you'd like to meet for a conference, it's not too late to set up a time! Let me know.

Friday 2/27: free dress day

Monday, 3/2: Dr. Seuss's birthday. We will be celebrating Dr. Seuss in the days leading up the March 2. If you have any Dr. Seuss books at home, your child is encouraged to bring them in to share with the class.  These can come in beginning this Monday 2/23. Please make sure all books are clearly labeled with your child's name.

Wednesday, 3/18: talent/air rock show at Sutter Middle School. Time to follow.

Room 4 lost and found
We have LOTS of unclaimed sweaters, jackets, and sweatshirts with no names in room 4. I am going to hang them on the hooks in the hallway outside the room Friday afternoon and then again next week. Please be sure to check for any missing clothing!

Language Arts
This week we continue to focus on identifying sounds in words and blending sounds and letters to make words.
Letter /sound focus: /d/, short o, and /b/.
We are working on telling the difference between facts and opinions, and in writing we will work on sharing opinions on various subjects. Our first writing project is sharing which type of day we prefer: rainy or sunny days.

This week we finish working on composing numbers to 10, and then will begin the next chapter on composing numbers 11-20.

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