Friday, January 16, 2015

Week of January 19-23. 2015

Hello Room 4 families!
We have been working away in room 4.
Here is what we have coming up:

Important Dates

Monday, 1/19: NO SCHOOL. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Tuesday,  1/20: Prospective parent night; 6 pm in the cafeteria. We are doing this in addition to our school tours this year. If you know anyone with an incoming kindergartener or someone with older children who is interested in transferring to Phoebe, please let them know about this informative evening. Parents will have a chance to ask questions and to tour the kindergarten classrooms.

Friday, 1/23: Room 4 to work in the school garden, 8:45-9:30 am. We would love to have some more parent helpers for this. Please let me know if you'd like to help.

Monday, February 9: NO SCHOOL; Lincoln's birthday holiday

Thursday, 2/12: the 100th day of school. The kids are super excited to celebrate the number 100 and everything they have learned so far this year! During the days leading up to this the kids will have an extra homework assignment: they will need to bring in a collection of 100 items. They can get as creatice as they want with this! I will talk to the kids about some ideas. On the 100th day they will share their collection.
We additionally need a few food items for this day for our 100th day trail mix. Please let me know if you'd like to send in any of the following prior to 2/12:
a box of cheerios
a large box or bag of raisins
a large bag of M&Ms
popcorn (we need at least 350 pieces)
a box of Chex cereal
a large bag of yogurt raisins
goldfish crackers
a large bag of mini marshmallows
a large bag of dried cranberries
a bag of chocolate chips

Friday, 2/13 (NOTE DATE CHANGE): Field Trip to Luther Burbank High School for the Sacramento Childrens' Theater play. We will leave at 9:15 am and return around 11:30. We are limited to 3 parent chaperones for this, and I am hoping to give families who didn't get to come on the pumpkin patch field trip a chance to go on this one. Thank you for understanding!

When we return from the play, we will have our Valentine celebration.
For Valentine's Day, kids can bring Valentine cards filled out with their names, but please don't put the recipients' names on each card. This creates chaos when passing them out!

Later that evening is the PH PTO family dance. It's a very fun event, so plan on attending with your family! More details to follow.

Monday, 2/16: NO SCHOOL; Presidents' Day

Friday, 2/20-Friday, 2/27 Shortened days/ parent teacher conferences. Look for an email about this soon.

Language Arts

We are continuing to work on learning about informational texts. Thank you to the families who have sent in books for us to use during this unit. Remember to make sure the books your child brings in are clearly labeled with a name.
Letter/sound focus: /m/, short a, and /t/
We have no new sight words this week.

We have begun our next chapter on subtraction. We started out with subtraction stories and will move to using the minus and equals symbols in our work.

Thanks for reading, everyone!
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions or concerns.

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