Hello Room 4 families!
October is off to a super start in Room 4.
Thank you to everyone who has been helping with our centers time in the mornings. It is a very important time for your kids to practice what they have been learning in small groups.
Here is what we have coming up:
Important Dates:
Thursday, October 23: Field Trip to Dave's Pumpkin Patch in West Sac. We will be taking the bus. If you have not sent in your child's permission slip and $5.50, please do so as soon as possible. If you would like to accompany us on this trip and you have been fingerprinted, please let me know. As a reminder, this is a uniform day. We will be eating lunch at the pumpkin patch, so it's important for all kids to bring a lunch that day.
Friday, October 24: Room 4 to work in the school garden, 8:45-9:30. We would love to have 1-2 more parent helpers for this. If you'd like to help please let me know.
Saturday, October 25: Harvest Festival, 3:00-6:30
Friday, October 31: Free Dress Day (no costumes!); school jog-a-thon. I hope everyone's jog-a-thon envelope made it home on Tuesday. In order to be eligible for prizes, those need to be returned by 10/17.
Monday, November 10: Picture day--more info to follow.
Tuesday, November 11: Veterans' Day; no school
Thursday, November 13-Friday, November 21: Parent/Teacher conferences; shortened day schedule. Kindergarteners are dismissed to the cafeteria on these days at 11:50, where they can either be picked up or eat lunch until 12:20 and then be picked up. I will be sending an email about scheduling your parent/teacher conferences in a couple of weeks.
Monday, November 24-Friday, November 28: Thanksgiving Holiday; NO SCHOOL
Language Arts
This week we continue to work on letter names and shapes, rhyming words, and identifying individual words in spoken sentences.
New sight words: and, we
This week we are working on comparing and ordering numbers 0-5.
This week we begin a life science unit on plants. We will focus on pumpkins in preparation for our pumpkin patch field trip. We will learn about the pumpkin life cycle, what plants need to grow, and conduct some experiments with pumpkins when we return from our trip.
Thanks for reading, everyone! Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. You can stop by Room 4 or email me any time at carrie.relles@gmail.com
Have a fantastic weekend!
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