Friday, September 5, 2014

Week of September 8-12, 2014

Hello Room 4 Families!
Our school year is off to a wonderful start. Your children have worked very hard this week. I am thrilled to be spending my days with such happy kids.

Here is what we have coming up at Phoebe Hearst and in Room 4:

Important Dates:
Friday, 9/19: family Movie Night
Monday, 9/22: First day of our classroom centers/small group rotations. I will send an email about this to the folks who volunteered to help.
Wednesday, 9/24: Back-to-School Night. This is an evening for parents to come hear about Room 4 and our 2014-2015 school year. I will go over class procedures and policies, currilculum, and answer questions.
Friday, 9/26 Kinder Apple Day. Please have your child bring an apple (any color!) to school on this day. I will give more info about this as the day approaches.
Friday, 9/26: Free dress day
Wednesday, 10/1: Homerun Reader kickoff (more info to follow)

Language Arts
This week we will focus on the following: learning to recognize each others' names, rhyming, listening for first, middle, and last sounds, letter names, and letter formation.
We will read stories and books about starting school and being a good friend at school. We will discuss the importance of following rules and working hard in school.
We will begin to write about what we read in a journal.

We are working on counting and cardinality up to 20. Your child will take home completed math worksheets almost every day. Please be sure to take a look at these so you can see what we worked on in class.

Bucket Filling???
I hope your child has told you a little bit about bucket filling. If so, you probably have some questions! Bucket filling is one of the ways I teach positive character. It's pretty simple: everyone carries around an invisible bucket. We feel good about ourselves when our bucket is full, and we feel bad, sad, and lonely when our bucket is empty. We can fill each others' buckets with our kind words and actions, and we can dip into peoples' buckets when we say or do mean things.
We have read about and discussed bucket filling and bucket dipping at length in class. I encourage you to talk with your child about bucket filling this weekend. If you'd like, there are several kids' books about this as well, including one in the Scholastic book order forms going home today!

Class Volunteers
Thank you to everyone who signed up to help in the classroom this year. If you haven't signed up, it's not too late. We still need people on Monday and Tuesday mornings from 8:10-9:00.
We would also love to have one more person to help check in homework on Friday mornings at 8:10.
Please let me know if you're interested. Thank you!
If you are signed up to work in the room, you need to have filled out and returned the volunteer level II form.
If you want to accompany us on any field trips this year, you will need to take the level III form to the Serna Center to be fingerprinted. This is for the safety of all the kids. I encourage you to do this as soon as possible, since it does usually take 30 working days for us to receive clearance after you're fingerprinted. The fee is $45, which can be used towards your parent hours for this year ($5=1 hour)

5th Grade Buddies
Today your child will meet his/her 5th grade buddy. On Friday mornings we will get together with Mr. Burkhouse's 5th grade class to read, work in the garden, and do projects together.
This is always a favorite time for kindergarteners and 5th graders!

Thank you, parents and families, for everything you do!
Please don't hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns:
Have a super weekend; I will see you Monday.

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