Friday, April 12, 2013

Week of April 15-19, 2013

Happy Friday Room 4 Families!

Here is what's happening in Room 4:

Monday, April 15: Scholastic Book Fair in the library. Our class will be going at 10am. Information went home about this in the April 1 packet.

Wednesday, April 17: walking field trip to Trader Joe's and East Portal Park. Please make sure your child is in uniform and wears good walking shoes. We will be eating lunch at the park, so please send lunch with your child. I'd like to give a big thank you to the 9 parents who have volunteered to come with us. This trip would be impossible without you!

April 23: STAR testing begins for 2-6 grades. We will be adjusting our schedule a little on these days in order to ensure the older kids have no distractions during their test. I will give you more information soon.

Friday, April 26: Bus field trip to Fairy Tale Town. Please send $2.25 to school to  cover the cost of this trip. We will be eating lunch at Fairy Tale Town, so please send lunch with your child that day.

Friday, May 10: Mother's Day Tea in room 4, 12-1 pm. Please look for an invitation today.

Language Arts
We are continuing our Teamwork unit this week. We have been reading about and discussing the importance of Teamwork.

We will focus on the sounds /k/ and /kw/ (q) this week, and we will continue to blend, read, and write words using all of the letters and sounds I have previously introduced. The kids are becoming excellent readers!

I hope you all received the letter last week about sight words. If your child doesn't know all of the words yet, please practice these daily.

This week the kids will be finishing their writing about how they can help take care of the earth, and then will write a paragraph about our field trip.

This week we continue to work on addition. The kids are doing a great job with this, and they ask me for more difficult problems daily.

Social Studies
This week we continue our unit on work people do. We are going to come up with interview questions for the workers at Trader Joe's and write about the work they do. We will also compare jobs of today with jobs long ago.

Thanks for everything you do, families! If you have any questions or concerns please send me an email.

Have a great weekend!

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