Friday, February 8, 2013

Week of February 11-15

Happy Friday, Room 4 Families!
Thanks for checking the website. Here's what we have going on this week:

Monday, February 11: NO SCHOOL. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 14: free dress (red and pink spirit day); 100th day of school; Valentine's Day (see below for information)
Monday, February 18: NO SCHOOL
Friday, February 22: Free Dress day
Friday, February 22-Friday, March 1: Parent/Teacher conferences. Dismissal will be at 12:20 from the cafeteria

100th day of school/Valentine's Day
THANK YOU to those parents who have volunteered to help with our festivities on Thursday! At this point we have plenty of parent helpers. We do still need some items for the 100th day trail mix. If you want to send in a bag of something we could add to trail mix like dried cranberries, yogurt covered raisins, chex cereal, or popcorn, we would really appreciate it. 
Again, the kids are welcome to bring in Valentines for the class. We will be passing them out and celebrating Valentine's day after lunch.

Language Arts
This week we will continue our Stick to It unit. The kids have been enjoying reading stories and poems about characters who don't give up. Thank you to those who sent in books related to this theme. 
I have been able to challenge the kids a lot with reading and writing words. I tell them that this is what they will do in first grade, and they love it! I hope you have noticed at home that many kids are really starting to read on their own! Please encourage them to read to you as much as they feel comfortable.
This week we will review the /p/ sound and learn the sound of short i.
New sight word: has
The kids will be writing an opinion piece on their favorite story from our Stick to It unit. 

We just started a unit on numbers 20-30. The kids will practice counting objects to and writing numbers to 30. We will also begin practicing estimating. This week will focus on numbers 21-25.

This week we will finish up our unit on animals. We will talk about how animals stay safe and how they change as they grow from birth to adulthood.

Thanks for reading! Please email me if you have any questions or concerns.

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