Friday, October 26, 2012

Week of Octoer 29-November 2, 2012

Happy Friday Room 4 Families!
We had a great week in Room 4. Your kids loved the field trip to the pumpkin patch. Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents who came with us!

Important dates:
Monday, October 29: Vision/Hearing screening.
Thursday, November 8-Friday, November 16: Parent/Teacher conferences and shortened days. Dismissal will be at 12:20 on these days.
Monday, November 12: Veterans' Day; no school

Rainy Days: On days when it's raining, you can drop your kids off in the classroom beginning at 7:55.

Language Arts: We will be finishing our Shadows unit this week. The kids have had a great time with it, and have learned a lot about what makes a shadow and how we can change shadows.
On Friday we will start unit 3, Finding Friends. In this unit we will read lots of stories about how to make friends and how to be a good friend.
We will practice writing Zz this week.
New high frequency words: it, no, and this.
We will reveiw capital letters, sentence types, and end marks (. and ?).
We will continue to work on writing all capital and lower case letters and first and last names.

Math: We are continuing our chapter on numbers 6-10. This week we will practice counting to and writing numbers 9 and 10.

Science: We have started a unit on plants. This week we will talk about parts of plants, where plants live, and what plants need to survive. I also hope to plant some plants with the kids this week.

Homework: This is the first week for the new homework procedure. I will send homework packets as an email attachments on Friday afternoons for the following week. This way you will have the weekend to print the packet so your child will be ready to start working on them on Mondays. Thank you parents for your flexibility with this!

Parent/Teacher conferences: These are right around the corner! I want to try to work with your schedules as much as possible, so please watch for an email from me about scheduling days and times.

Thanks, parents, for everything you do!
If you have any questions please email me!

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